Kistamässan 18-19 mars 2025

OutMeals AB

OutMeals AB

Om oss

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We love food and think that meals are the highlights of the day.
Outmeals has been around since 2014 and specializes in different types of food for crisis preparedness, slightly more extreme meals it could be summed up as. We conceptualize, pack and distribute combat portions for military units, police and rescue services, commercial kitchen solutions for field kitchens, meals with an extremely long shelf life and more.

As the world situation has worsened, we at Outmeals have also developed our business and in addition to our products for military units and uniformed authorities, we now also supply civilian customers such as municipalities, authorities and public companies with various types of solutions for food preparedness.

In our daily work, we aim to be flexible with our solutions for our customers, to be as fast as possible in everything from deliveries to responses to requests, to be at the forefront when it comes to innovation in everything from packaging to the meal experience. In addition to this, we try to take as much social responsibility as possible by, for example, hiring and employing people with functional variations, donating money to veteran support both nationally and internationally, and sponsoring local sports teams and charities. See also our code of conduct for suppliers and producers.




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